NSP …. “There is Nothing New”

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Dr Murtza Khoro

First of all, this part of the so-called NSP document is for public consumption. The main part has not been made public which must be with the security establishment.  There is nothing new. Whatever has been presented as NSP is an extremely inferior write-up without any substance in it.

The realization of the deteriorating economic situation is not new. COAS General Bajwa came up
with the concept of Geo-economics around 2 years or so ago. The concept of Geo-economics is borrowed one which has been appearing in the international press for last many decades.
It has to appreciate that there is a paradigm shift in the policy approach of the security establishment.

They have no idea about the economy, its problems, and the solutions. For example, issues like low tax-to-GDP ratio and low saving to GDP are nonsense. Even the UN does not know how to achieve these targeted SDG. They have not achieved a single target save the successes of China. Previous targets of the UN were also not achieved as they never explained the strategy and mechanism to achieve the targets.

A couple of months ago, there seemed a clear shift from the US towards China but Moeed has successfully derailed them to keep Pakistan in the lap of the US. A shift is required to distance ourselves from the US which itself is in deep crisis. Not only European allies of the US have expressed their dissatisfaction with their relationship with the US but they have entered into many economic arraignments with China and Russia opposed by the US. RCEP is another big historic shift but Moeen has successfully served their masters.
Their understanding of the economy and its solutions is that of a layman who is under the intoxicating influence of American policy and propaganda machines.
There should be four pillars of NSP.
There must be a genuine Federation. An NSP paper not discussing the issues related to the federation and their acceptable solution to stakeholders is rubbish and nothing more;
There must be an effective and transparent constitutional rule using the latest technologies. An NSP paper must criticize military takeovers and other manipulation which started way back in 1951;
There must be an inclusive economy and an economic model that uses the latest technologies and models in agriculture, in the informal economy, in small and medium sector business & industries, in large scale industries particularly in high tech industries, in the services sector, in the energy sector, in infrastructure, in energy, in health, & in education, etc., it should be a model that focuses on Brain-Power Development. We must understand the power of the 4 greatest revolutionary forces that history has ever created and they are science, technology, globalization, and brain-power development. These 4 forces are acting and evolving together. They are objective in nature and are changing the whole world at exponential speed.
These idiots know nothing about economics. Even persons like Hafeez Pasha are the best statisticians. For example, we need universal solarization in our country for energy instead of building Nowadays, 1 MW batteries are available in the market; and the fourth pillar is the establishment of an egalitarian system that is guaranteed in our constitution and which can provide a level playing field.
And, I must tell you that a level playing field is required from the antenatal period through the postnatal period to the last moments of life.

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